

Es befinden sich keine Produkte im Warenkorb.

I'm Thanh Truong

I'm Thanh Truong

an UX/UI Designer in an

Web Designer´s and Web Developer´s body

Currently based in Germany.

I'm Thanh Truong

I'm Thanh Truong

UX/UI Designer and Front-end Developer.

Based in Germany.

About Information

About Information

Hello, my name is Thanh. My focus is crafting user centric processes and stunning visual design. I love working as a web designer with the knowledege and background of a software developer. In this sense, my sweet spot is working in the realm of these two worlds. I am a reliable, fast, easy to work with, freindly guy with a never ending curiousity and hunger for knowledge. 

  • Age: 33
  • Address: Mainz, Germany
  • E-mail: hello@thanhtruong.de
  • Languages: German, English, Vietnamese



UI/UX, prototype/clickdummy, concept, corporate design,animation


Frontend, database modeling, mobile apps, web apps

Digital Marketing

SEO, SEA, Social media paid marketing


2021 - Present
UX/UI Designer & Web Developer - coodoo GmbH (Wiesbaden, Germany)
  • Development of web based multiplatform applications in the enterprise area (Flutter, Angular, VueJS)
  • Technical implementation of UI concepts in the front end
  • Consulting, conception and implementation of UI user interfaces under Consideration of UX aspects (Figma, AdobeXD, click dummy creation, Sketch)
2018 - 2021
UX/UI Consultant - UGW AG (Wiesbaden, Germany)
  • Creation of wireframes, click dummies, UI/UX concepts and prototypes for web applications in the e-commerce area
  • Conception and implementation of digital marketing campaigns in GoogleAds to increase performance

  • Technical SEO audits and recurring reportings for
    increasing visibility on the web

  • Technical implementation of microsites
  • Conception of user interfaces for native tablet-based web application for B2B

2016 - 2018
Graphic Design & Web Development Working Student - UGW AG (Wiesbaden, Germany)
  • Creation of cross-media visual digital marketing campaigns for LEAD generation

  • Consulting on SEA campaigns for B2C

  • Conception and implementation of microsites on marketing platforms

  • Development of plugins for Typo3 web applications

2012 – 2016
Graphic design working student - Inscale GmbH (Mainz, Germany)
  • Conception, research, image editing and creation of business presentations in  B2B and B2C  (Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, Adobe Premiere and Adobe AfterEffects)
  • Preparation of data-heavy tables into appealing diagrams
2012 – 2012
Graphic Designer - Inscale GmbH (Mainz, Germany)
  • Creation of business presentations according to customer specific requirements
  • Creation of corporate design manuals
  • Creation of macros and AddIns for Microsoft PowerPoint (VBA)
  • Conceptual work for in-house PowerPoint trainings


2012 - 2019
Media computer science B.Sc.

at Hochschule RheinMain (Wiesbaden, Germany)

2009 - 2012
Media designer digital & print education

at Inscale GmbH (Mainz, Germany)

  • Focus on conception and visualization
  • Creation of engaging business presentations
  • Creation of mood boards, storyboards and Adobe Creative Suite assets
  • Creation of icon sets, logos and graphics for various industries
  • Creation of simple animations (Flash, Adobe After Effects)
2006 - 2008

at Berufsbildenden Schule Bingen (Bingen, Germany)


Meditation App Development, Prototype
Learning App Development, Prototype
Production barcode scanner app Development, Prototype, UI/UX
Sales web application Concept, Prototype, UI/UX
Internal sales employee web application Concept, Prototype, UI/UX
Brand Landingpage Development, Prototype
Relaunch e-commerce shop Concept, UI/UX
Leadership Academy Volunteer
Student project Volunteer

Contact me